Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tour de Americana

It's really freakin late and for some reason I'm up. Oy vay. So I went to Philadelphia, among other places, and I've been back since Tuesday. I'm just now getting around to writing something about it. It's kind of funny though because I really don't have anything to say. Everyone keeps insisting that I "tell them everything", but I end up just standing there going "I dunno". However, here is a brief overview...

-We ended up going through 14 states in all, the worst of those being missouri.
-I came to the conclusion that if I ever had the unfortunate task of torturing someone, I would lock them in a room full of thousands of mosquitos.
-Central park is surprisingly one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
-I really really enjoy blowing things up.
-It rains everywhere else in the country during summer except California.
-I wasn't created to stay in one place.
-Severe boredom and long drives can produce sudden beatboxing and spontaneous rap groups
-Disc golf is my new favorite sport
-Tommie pees a lot.
-Mike doesn't pee at all.
-And the midwest-east coast is about 700 times prettier than corona.

Aaaand here is your brief overview in picture form...enjoy!

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